11 04 2012

Today in class we were suppose to choose one video that inspired you to help with your video. Although this is not my video but we had a deep discussion on this one video. It is called Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus. Many people had there take on the video but I would like to say somethings on it. I think the video has a great point about how people compare religion to Jesus. Yes, if you are a Christian and believe there was a Jesus then you can tell from his point what he is talking about. But for others who don’t believe in Christianity they will not agree with the video. They might say that Jesus and religion is the same thing. I think, being a Christian myself, that when he says “Why does Religion build huge churches but fails to feed the poor.” Even though Jesus fed 5,000 people with only few loaves of bread and a few fish he still managed to make a way so that no one went without. Have you ever looked around and seen all the churches you have  in a 5 miles radius? If all the churches would branch together instead of branching out then there wouldn’t be a empty pew in a church. Then there wouldn’t be no way a church could not help out a poor family. If churches would let God come in instead of man churches would be better and there would be a lot more people saved. People look at Christians and think they are doing the same as me but they consider themselves a Christian, I guess that would also make me one then. But it isn’t that easy. If you want to become a Christian you have to Admit that you are a sinner, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and Confess you sins.



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